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How to get AlekSIS® running

From self-hosted instances to Software-as-a-Service, AlekSIS can be operated as the school needs it

One major power of open software clearly is the possibility to download its code and operate it on-premise, without the need to buy any licences or support contracts. School administrators, governments, and schoolboards are welcome to do just that.

But, in practice, teachers want to focus on what they can do best: helping students learn. So our partners offer cloud-based operation that can be ordered to just get started using AlekSIS.

Cloud offers for full support

Cloud offers for full support

For full support and no need to provide people power for operation, our partners offer Software-as-a-Service hosting of AlekSIS® and also platforms it integrates with.

This offer is available for three scenarios:

  • Pilot schools receive low-priced hosting as part of the development cooperation
  • Individual schools can get hosting for their individual AlekSIS instances
  • School boards and local/regional administrations can receive consulting and hosting for AlekSIS instances for connected schools

The association responsible for AlekSIS collaborates with partnering companies who offer service, support and hosting and also supports pilot schools directly. In order to be forwarded to a fitting provider, please contact Teckids by mail through

Cloud offers for full support

Self-hosting for full independence

Self-hosting for full independence

The code of AlekSIS® can be downloaded and operated by everyone.

We support two main deployment channels:

  • Local installation on Debian-based systems using the Python packages of the distribution and official apps
  • Cloud deployment in Kubernetes (or other container orchestration platforms)

There is no single downloadable file – instead, our release is the AlekSIS® Handbook, which explains how to install the packages that are needed to start using AlekSIS.

Self-hosting for full independence